first for 2015

Unfortunately as of now, I still haven't got a job. Maybe in around 3 weeks I'll be back to Cebu. I will be having a short stay in Manila for some legal document to be done.

On the brighter side, I have all my time to craft. I have been cross-stitching for the past 3 days, seriously... this project has been sleeping for years.

I guess that was the time I was taking knitting seriously too and learning more. Then I totally forgot about this. Maybe now, after more than 2 years of constantly knitting, I must have improved a lot with gauge and making my stitches really even.
I remember when I rekindle with knitting 2 years back. I also started with baby clothes, with results, that didn't really satisfy me on my own standards. This is my first knit project done for 2015, which I want to gift to my officemate's wife who is giving birth to a baby boy. I still have to make a hat, shoes or socks maybe to go with this.


Mimi said…
Your cross-stitch project is looking good! Your knitted projects look so professional - they are wonderful gifts for sure :)
Mimi said…
Your cross-stitch project is looking good! Your knitted projects look so professional - they are wonderful gifts for sure :)